Author: IT Company

Photography Team Building Sydney 29

Spark Your Workforce’s Creativity With Sydney Teambuilding

Creativity is the new currency. As consumer appetite for new technology and innovation grows, the challenge rests upon the shoulders of businesses to find new ways to adapt to these changes. And these changes are no longer confined to Silicon Valley. The challenge to find new ways of doing things has spread all over cities...


Boost Employee Satisfaction Through A Fun Team Building Activity

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The workplace can be a challenging environment: an amalgam of tight deadlines and dull routines. Sometimes, even companies that pay salaries above industry standards see a high turnover rate among their employees. This is because a high salary by itself cannot meet a worker’s personal...

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Team Bonding or Team Building – Which Approach Works Better?

Work teams are made up of real people – not robots. Real people flourish in teams when they are happy, their efforts are appreciated and their environments are rewarding and fulfilling.  This doesn’t occur in a vacuum as successful teams are essentially effective individuals with common goals, supportive culture and mutual respect.  So, one way...

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Five Questions Planners Must Answer When Planning Corporate Events

Planning a team building corporate event is sometimes not an easy task. Besides finding a time that suits everyone in the company, event planners will also have to take into consideration other factors, such as the type and purpose of the event plus catering or other provisions. For those who are planning team building corporate...

Five Tips For Hosting A Successful Mini Olympics Team Building Event

Five Tips For Hosting A Successful Mini Olympics Team Building Event

Sports-themed team building activities are a great way to encourage friendly competition among employees in a company. In addition to this, sports competitions also help pave the way to forging better relationships with co-workers by boosting communication among colleagues and helping them find ways to overcome differences with each other. Lastly, competitions provide an invigorating...

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Team Events on a Shoestring: Fun Team Building Ideas That Won’t Cost You

Astute managers know that time for team fun leads to greater engagement and happier teams. Teams that have fun with each other focus their energy positively and have better rapport with mounting evidence of higher productivity too. Low morale in a workplace is characterized by sabotaging behaviours (eg gossiping, time stealing) that spread amongst bored,...