Category: Team Building Activities

Icebreaker Games for Large groups seated theatre style

Icebreaker Games for Large groups seated theatre style

Large Group Icebreaker Games in A Theatre Setting Large group icebreaker games in a theatre setting is a team building challenge.  You have a lack of space, large numbers, movement is constrained and you can’t form workable sub groups.    When a client asked for ideas with this “impossible” brief,  it seemed a good idea...

Fun Interactive Trivia in Syndey 15

End The Year On A Positive Note With A Team Christmas Party

The third quarter of the year is winding down to a close, but your business has managed to meet the goals it has set at the onset of the year. Perhaps your team has exceeded its sales quota. Maybe your business has acquired several qualified leads. All of these would not be possible without the...

Team Bonding Circus Skills Workshop 04

Spontaneous Fun With The Amazing Race

Some of the most exciting elements of Team Bonding’s Amazing Race events are the completely spontaneous and unplanned things that happen along the way. The beauty of the Amazing Race is that participants’ natural imagination, curiosity and inventiveness is encouraged and celebrated. Rather than sticking to a rigid schedule with certain outcomes like many similar team building events,...