How to Maximise the Effects of an Employee Engagement Survey

Companies invest significant resources in assessing employee performance, aiming to identify ways for workers to enhance their contributions to the business. The question is often “How can you help our business succeed?” However, an increasing number of employers are starting to realise the importance of flipping the question around, prioritising employee satisfaction by asking, “What can we do to make you happier, more fulfilled and/or more engaged?”

Why It’s Important

Employee surveys are a useful tool for gauging employee satisfaction, engagement and overall well-being within the workplace. They offer a systematic avenue for employees to share their insights on various aspects of the organisation, from work-life balance and team culture to the work environment and employee stress management.

Conducting these surveys demonstrates to your employees the company’s commitment to valuing the opinions of the team members and it offers a constructive platform for individuals to express their frustrations and pain points. Providing this opportunity builds the employee’s sense of worth within the team while nurturing a sense of being listened to and recognized.


How to Implement​

By asking relevant questions and maintaining a concise, anonymous survey format, employees are empowered to share their honest perspectives on their individual experiences within the organisation.

There are a number of third-party employee survey companies you can utilise, which will create a survey for you, collate the results, analyse the data and provide you with the feedback, or you can do it yourself in-house.

In order to create a DIY Employee Engagement Survey remember these things:

  • Ensure anonymity – use a specific online tool/software program or simply utilise Google Forms. With Google Forms enter your questions into the template to create your survey, and by opting not to collect names/email addresses from participants, this will allow the survey to be conducted anonymously.
  • Unbiased questions – keep your questions simple and ensure you aren’t unconsciously imposing your views in the way you word your questions, remeber this is a chance to let the employees do the talking.
  • Communication is key – provide information to your employees that you will be conducting a survey ahead of time, and when to expect the email to arrive. Outline a time frame as to when the results need to be in, and when to expect the results to be discussed with the wider business. This could also be a great time to incentivize employees to take part. Maybe the first 15 people to complete it get a free coffee – that definitely has our vote!

Themes & Questions to Consider

When compiling your list of questions ensure you use both closed questions for ease of completion (yes or no answers), as well as open questions to allow more detailed feedback to be provided.

Choosing a theme for an Employee Engagement Survey can help to focus the survey on specific aspects of the workplace culture or values and initiatives that the organisation wants to highlight or improve upon. Themes can provide a cohesive structure for the questions and make it easier for employees to understand the purpose and context of the survey.

Below are some general examples of where you might begin, then further on is a breakdown of common themes with corresponding questions to get you started.

Benefits of a Positive Company Culture

A strong company culture yields a myriad of benefits to the individual as well as the team and the wider business.

On an individual level, we see heightened engagement, enhanced job satisfaction, boosted productivity, greater contentment, enhanced team dynamics, improved communication, and strengthened trust among colleagues.

Similarly, there are numerous benefits to the business from a thriving company culture and this can include reduced absenteeism and turnover rates, resulting in lower costs associated with turnover. It fosters high morale among employees, and enhances the company’s reputation, making it more attractive to prospective hires. This, in turn, leads to increased revenue and creates more efficient, effective teams, ultimately improving overall team performance.

Final Tips and Making Change

Employee Engagement Surveys aren’t just another box to check off your HR to-do list; it’s a powerful tool for unlocking the full potential of your workforce and building a workplace where people thrive. Whether you are completing them annually or during periods of organisational change, the data gathered from these surveys is invaluable for understanding how to effectively support your employees. It provides you the opportunity to make targeted changes and implement effective and meaningful initiatives, and when the survey feedback is actioned appropriately, it shows to your employees that what they say matters.